Book Global Liberalism and Political Order By Steven Bernstein And Louis W. Pauly

Book Global Liberalism and Political Order By Steven Bernstein And Louis W. Pauly - Several years ago, John Gerard Rogge coined the phrase "liberalism included" to describe the tremendous political agreement that followed 1945 between free-market liberalism and internal political intervention that stabilized the multilateral economic system. In global freedom and the political order, leading political economists and international relations evaluate the challenges facing the increasingly interdependent world of today with the globalization that redefines the old political law.

It addresses the dismantling and/or reinvention of a significant commitment to global governance from a variety of perspectives and theoretical issues, including trade, finance, management, North-South relations, and the environment. With a focus on the foundations of political power globally, shareholders imagine the consequences of success or failure in the international economic system and political stability. Rogi, whose work inspired many of the authors of this book, contributes to the chapter on the perspectives of a new global presence in exchange for the tremendous international agreement.

Bіblіоgrарhіс іnfоrmаtіоn 

Glоbаl Lіbеrаlіѕm and Pоlіtісаl Ordеr: Toward a Nеw Grand Cоmрrоmіѕе? Book соllесtіоnѕ оn Prоjесt MUSE SUNY series in Global Pоlіtісѕ

Edіtоrѕ: Stеvеn Bernstein, Lоuіѕ W. Pauly
Publisher: SUNY Prеѕѕ, 2012
ISBN: 0791480283, 9780791480281
Length: 246 раgеѕ
