Google AdSense Quick Guide By Michael Miller

Google AdSense Quick Guide By Michael Miller ~ With the new version of AdSense, Google has changed almost everything in the interface and added some new features. The entire navigation structure has been revised along with the available ad types. Google reorganized older AdSense channels into five basic types of ads: content, domains, feeds, mobile content, and search. In addition, Google has linked ads to games and YouTube with AdSense, making it easy to place ads in online games and YouTube videos.

Google has also made it easier and more prominent to enable ad blocking, that is, to prevent certain types of ads or ads from certain advertisers from appearing on your site. Google has also improved the AdSense reporting system, increased the types of reports available, and added a new page of public information that displays basic information in a single snapshot.

Although the new interface is a step forward in managing your AdSense account, existing AdSense users may find it strange and confusing, and have a hard time knowing how to do it. Here comes the role of this quick guide. Get up to speed quickly and easily. Then back to make money.

Michael Miller has written more than 100 informal guides over the last 20 years, including Google AdWords, AdSense, Googlepedia: Google Last Resort, YouTube for Businesses, Best Online Marketing Guide, B2B Digital Marketing, Absolute Guide for Beginners One of the basic concepts of computer.

Mr. Miller gained a reputation for clearly explaining technical issues to non-technical readers and providing useful advice on complex issues in the real world.