Spiritual Liberation Author Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith: the dynamic spiritual leader who touched millions of readers and viewers in The Secret and, through the spiritual community he founded, the Agape International Spiritual Center - now shares its central message and its easily accessible means to convey this message. In daily life, a process he describes as "aspiring to spiritual liberation."

Michael Beckwith teaches that inner spiritual work, not religiosity or creed, liberates us. It is based on a wide range of teachers of ancient wisdom, such as Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. The contemporary spiritual illumination Thich Nhat Hanh, Sri Aurobindo and the Dalai Lama, Western contributors to the new tradition of spirituality such as Emmanuel Swedenberg, Walter Russell and Dr. Howard Thurman to create a new composition of deep beliefs.

Silently or aloud, spiritual liberation can be included during meditation or prayer. Each chapter contains a confirmation that extracts its basic concepts in one or two sentences so that the reader can read them easily throughout the day. The personal and intimate Bequith Spring directs the practitioner to integrate and revitalize the central gifts of the gods in everyday life.

The basic concepts of Beckwith's teachings are convincingly conceived and convincingly disguised in the provocative chapters of spiritual liberation. The topics related to "developed people", "transfer to transfer", "transcendence of tendencies" and "internal ecology" are some of its founding teachings that combine visions of a set of spiritual paths to form a coherent practice that is neither Oriental nor Western, but truly spiritual.

Regardless of your belief system, readers will find it impossible to finish this book without some "Aha!" Moments

Michael Bernard Beckwith as one of the most prominent spiritual leaders and founder of the International Spirituality Center is a powerful force for change. He is the creator of Life Vision and author of Inspirations of the Heart, 40 Day Mind Fast Feast and A Manifesto of Peace.

Bibliographic information

Title: Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential
Author: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Publisher: Simon and Schuster, 2009
ISBN: 1582702055, 9781582702056
Length: 272 pages
Subjects: Body, Mind & Spirit › General