Anthropology and Anthropologists Author By Adam Kuper

In its first publication in 1973, the fascinating story of Adam Cooper of half a century of British social anthropology provoked strong reactions. But his often unstable account proved to be one of the forerunners of anthropology. Since the publication of the second revised edition in 1983, there have been important developments within British and European anthropology. This third edition is extended and updated to respond to these new trends. Adam Cooper takes the story to this day, and the new chapter tracks the emergence of modern European social anthropology in contrast to the developments in American cultural anthropology over the past two decades. Anthropology and anthropology offers a critical historical description of modern social anthropology in Britain: it describes the functions, ideas, and contributions of leading theorists in the context of the intellectual and institutional environments in which they work.

Bibliographic information 

Title: Anthrороlоgу аnd Anthrороlоgіѕtѕ: Thе Mоdеrn British School
Author: Adam Kuреr
Edition: 3, revised
Publіѕhеr: Rоutlеdgе, 2014
ISBN: 1136802207, 9781136802201
Lеngth: 248 раgеѕ