The Business of America is Lobbying Book Author Lee Drutman

The Business of America is Lobbying Book Author Lee Drutman

The Business of America is Lobbying Book Author Lee Drutman - The business organization of the United States is influencing "how companies become political, and politics has become the most post-war study of post-war American studies on postwar American political development." Editorial Oxford University Press, 2015. Institutional lobbying is all over in Washington. From the 100 companies that invest one of the most in lobbying, 95 are companies. The largest companies now have more than 100 lobbyists who represent them. How did American companies get involved in politics? And what to buy your money?

Based on extensive data and original interviews with corporate lobbies, The Business of America provides an excellent and detailed way of what companies in Washington are, why they do it and why it is essential. Before the 1970s, very few companies have offices in Washington. However, a wave from brand-new federal government policies and a fall in economic conditions have mobilized business leaders. Companies have developed new political capabilities and managers have begun to see public policy as an opportunity, not just as a threat. Since then, the pressure on companies has become more generalized, more proactive and more specific. Dr. Dromman argues that lobbyists have driven this development, helping managers understand why politics is important and how dynamic participation and audacity can help corporate lines.

All this pressure does not guarantee leverage. Politics is a chaotic and unexpected bazaar, which is more competitive than ever. But the growth of demand has led to many significant changes that have made the business more powerful. Moving the status quo is difficult. Politics is more complex As Congress increasingly becomes a K Street agricultural union, more and more political experience in Washington resides in the private sector. These and other changes increase the cost of sufficient pressure to a level that companies generally can not afford.

The style of work in the United States, which is energetic, attractive, rigorous and precise, will change our way of thinking about lobbying and how we can solve it.

About the author (2015)

Lee Drotman is a senior member of the Political Reform Program in New America. An appointment and/or mention of an expert in lobbying, influence, and money in politics, and/or estimated in The Brand-new York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, Slate, Umm Jones, Fox, Politics and many other publications. Capital Planet, this American life, the market, the Washington Journal, and the Kolbert report, among other programs. Drutman also teaches at the Center for Advanced Governmental Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Before coming to the new America, Drumman was a great partner in Sunlight. I have also worked in the United States. Senate and the Brookings Institution. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, and B.A. From Brown University.

Bibliographic іnfоrmаtіоn 

Thе Business of America is Lobbying: Hоw Cоrроrаtіоnѕ Bесаmе Pоlіtісіzеd and Pоlіtісѕ Became Mоrе Cоrроrаtе Studіеѕ іn Pоѕtwаr Amеrісаn Po Studіеѕ іn postwar American роlіtісаl dеvеlорmеnt

Authоr: Lее Drutman
Edіtіоn: іlluѕtrаtеd
Publіѕhеr: Oxfоrd Unіvеrѕіtу Prеѕѕ, 2015
ISBN: 0190215518, 9780190215514
Length: 269 pages
